In order to reduce threat to public order and internal security, the Cabinet has adopted Regulation No 123Regulations regarding restrictions on the acceptance of visa applications from third-country nationals and their entry into the Republic of Latvia.

In accordance with the regulation, the diplomatic missions and consular posts of the Republic of Latvia accept visa applications from the citizens of the Russian Federation in following cases:

  1. family members (spouses,  parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, minor children of spouses and dependent persons) of the nationals of Latvia;
  2. family members of the nationals of the European Union, the European Economic Area, or the Swiss Confederation (under Cabinet Regulation No. 675 of 30 August 2011, “Procedures for the Entry and Residence in the Republic of Latvia of Citizens of the Union and their Family Members”);
  3. persons whose entry is related to humanitarian considerations;
  4. persons who have received the right of residence in Latvia and who must be in possession of a visa to enter Latvia.

Each visa application is assessed in detail on a case by case basis to obtain proof that the person falls within any of the above listed categories. Where the purpose of entry is related to humanitarian considerations, the visa applicant must present documents confirming the purpose of entry and kinship.