LATDEV logotips

Latvia’s development cooperation policy brand LATDEV is now available for use to the implementers of Latvia’s development cooperation projects. The brand has been devised to build a common approach to communication on development cooperation policy pursued by Latvia thereby promoting Latvia’s visibility and highlighting its contribution to global development.

The acronym

The acronym LATDEV is formed from the first letters of words related to the development cooperation concept. The name in Latvian is to be interpreted as “Latvia’s contribution” (dev- being the root of a Latvian verb for ‘to give’) and in English, as “Latvia’s Development Cooperation”.

The logo

The basic elements of the logo symbol are derived from Latvian ethnographic ornament. Visually, it reminds of a handshake, which represents trust and partnership, and of a coupling mechanism that ensures linkage and a joint progress. The red colour of the logo is drawn from the Lielvārde belt, an element of traditional Latvian dress, and symbolises unity.

The motto

A quote of the Latvian poet and playwright Rainis “Mainies uz augšu!” has been chosen as the motto of the brand, meaning “Change upwards!” in English.

Latvia is increasingly more active in advancing global development as a reliable partner in development cooperation, sharing its experience and expertise in the promotion of good governance, digitalisation, socio-economic change and gender equality. The motto illustrates Latvia’s positive contribution to the development of partner countries in those areas and their overall progress.

Materials for use


The publication is of an informative nature. The ownership rights of the brand and the handbook Rokasgrāmata Latvijas attīstības sadarbības politikas zīmola skice un zīmola vadlīnijas (Manual. Concept Sketch of the Latvian Development Co-operation Policy Brand and the Brand Guidelines belongs to the Republic of Latvia in the person of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in accordance with Section 15, Paragraph one of the Copyright Law. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs grants the brand user rights to the implementers of development cooperation projects on the basis of mutual agreements.