Pursuant to the Article 22 of the Visa Code, an in-depth examination is carried out of applications lodged by the nationals of the following states:
Afghanistan Albania Algeria Armenia Azerbaijan Bangladesh Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina D.R. Congo Egypt does not apply to holders of diplomatic and service passports Erytrea Ethyopia Iran Iraq Jordan (North) Korea Kazakhstan Kenya Kosovo Kyrgyzstan Lebanon Libya Mali Mauritania Morocco Niger Nigeria Pakistan Palestine Russian Federation Rwanda Saudi Arabia Somalia South Sudan Sri Lanka Sudan Syria Tajikistan Tunisia Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Vietnam Yemen |
Persons having the status of refugee and stateless persons are also subject to prior consultation.
Prior consultation is performed in respect of the nationals of specific third countries according to the Cabinet Regulation of June 21, 2010, No. 554, “Regulations Regarding the States for the Citizens of which in Issuing a Visa or Residence Permit an Additional Examination shall be Performed”.