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Atis Lots atvadu vizītē pieņem Īrijas vēstnieku


On 10 August 2020, the Acting State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Atis Lots, met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ireland, Jim Hennessy, who had arrived on a farewell visit.

Atis Lots praised the Ambassador’s contribution to enhancing the bilateral relations between the two countries and thanked him for cooperation in international organisations. The Acting State Secretary underlined that Ireland is a close friend to Latvia and sets an example of how to pursue its interests in the European Union. 

The countries are linked by an active political dialogue and close economic cooperation. In view of the large number of Latvian nationals in Ireland, cooperation with Irish authorities on the diaspora-related issues is high on the bilateral agenda.

Ambassador Jim Hennessy was accredited in Latvia on 13 October 2015. At the final stage of his time in office he was also the dean of the diplomatic corps.