Country |
Date of the recognition of the Republic of Latvia |
Date of the recognition of the restoration of Independence of the Republic of Latvia |
Date of establishment and renewal of diplomatic relations |
Afghanistan |
07.09.1991 |
16.02.1928 |
Albania |
07.09.1991 |
28.01.1928 |
Algeria |
27.12.1991 |
29.04.1998 |
Andorra |
27.08.1996 |
Angola |
07.07.2011 |
Antigua and Barbuda |
19.03.1993 |
Argentina |
28.03.1922 |
25.08.1991 |
26.09.1991 |
Armenia |
12.09.1991 |
22.08.1992 |
Australia |
27.08.1991 |
Austria |
17.02.1921 |
28.08.1991 |
19.01.1992 |
Azerbaijan |
28.01.1921 |
30.08.1991 |
11.01.1994 |
Bahamas |
20.01.2005 |
Bahrein |
27.03.2000 |
Bangladesh |
09.09.1991 |
21.01.1993 |
Barbados |
15.05.2008 |
Belarus |
27.12.1991 |
07.04.1992 |
Belgium |
26.01.1921 |
27.08.1991 |
05.09.1991 |
Belize |
03.02.2005 |
Benin |
31.01.1992 |
19.03.1997 |
Bolivia |
08.07.2003 |
Bosnia and Hercegovina |
19.04.1996 |
Botswana |
17.03.2003 |
Brazil |
05.12.1921 |
04.09.1991 |
18.07.1992 |
Brunei |
14.07.2000 |
Bulgaria |
24.05.1922 |
26.08.1991 |
10.09.1991 |
Burkina Faso |
06.04.2011 |
Burundi |
06.01.1992 |
24.05.1993 |
Cabo Verde |
21.10.1992 |
Cambodia |
22.09.1995 |
Cameroon |
16.04.2015 |
Canada |
26.08.1991 |
03.09.1991 |
Central African Republic |
30.05.2012 |
Chad |
12.01.1993 |
23.04.1996 |
China |
16.08.1923 |
07.09.1991 |
12.09.1991 |
Columbia |
08.07.1922 |
06.09.1991 |
19.07.1995 |
Comoros |
24.02.2010 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo |
14.01.2011 |
Republic of the Congo |
26.09.2013 |
Costa Rica |
15.05.2003 |
Côte d'Ivoire |
04.06.1996 |
Croatia |
14.02.1992 |
Cuba |
10.09.1921 |
09.09.1991 |
20.12.1991 |
Czech Republic |
01.01.1993 |
Czech and Slovak Federal Republic |
29.08.1991 |
09.09.1991 |
Czechoslovak Republic |
05.01.1922 |
Chile |
12.09.1921 |
28.08.1991 |
26.09.1991 |
Cyprus |
20.12.1991 |
Denmark |
07.02.1921 |
27.08.1991 |
24.08.1991 |
Djibouti |
30.03.2012 |
Dominica |
27.09.2007 |
Dominican Republic |
15.08.2001 |
East Timor |
27.09.2013 |
Ecuador |
02.09.1991 |
21.10.1992 |
Egypt |
06.09.1991 |
23.01.1992 |
Equatorial Guinea |
13.11.2008 |
Eritrea |
05.04.2012 |
Estonia |
21.07.1919 |
22.08.1991 |
06.09.1991 |
Eswatini | 16.11.2018 | ||
Ethiopia |
11.03.2008 |
Fiji |
07.03.2008 |
Finland | 26.01.1921 | 25.08.1991 | 29.08.1991 |
France |
26.01.1921 |
27.08.1991 |
30.08.1991 |
Gabon |
31.10.1996 |
Gambia |
12.03.1998 |
Georgia |
27.01.1921 |
27.08.1991 |
11.03.1993 |
Germany | 01.02.1921 | 28.08.1991 | |
Ghana |
03.01.1992 |
Grenada |
19.09.2012 |
Greece |
23.05.1922 |
27.08.1991 |
02.09.1991 |
Guatemala |
14.01.1993 |
Guinea |
23.11.1991 |
17.01.1997 |
Guinea-Bissau | 14.07.2021 | ||
Guyana |
16.03.2005 |
Haiti |
14.12.2006 |
Holy See | 10.06.1921 | 29.08.1991 | 01.10.1991 |
Honduras |
01.07.2003 |
Hungary | 20.07.1921 | 24.08.1991 | 02.09.1991 |
India |
09.09.1991 |
07.12.1991 |
Indonesia |
16.09.1991 |
25.08.1993 |
Iraq |
01.01.1992 |
15.10.2004 |
Iran (till 1921, Persia) |
10.02.1921 |
10.09.1991 |
07.07.1992 |
Iceland |
22.08.1991 |
26.08.1991 |
Ireland |
27.08.1991 |
09.10.1991 |
Israel |
04.09.1991 |
06.01.1992 |
Italy |
26.01.1921 |
27.08.1991 |
30.08.1991 |
Jamaica |
18.12.1991 |
Japan |
26.01.1921 |
06.09.1991 |
10.10.1991 |
Jordan |
18.09.1991 |
12.09.1994 |
Kazakhstan |
23.12.1991 |
10.12.1992 |
Kenya |
23.04.1996 |
Kiribati |
10.04.2015 |
Korea (Republic) |
05.09.1991 |
22.10.1991 |
Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of) | 07.09.1991 | 26.09.1991 | |
Kosovo |
10.06.2008 |
Kuwait |
15.07.1994 |
Kyrgyzstan |
31.08.1991 |
18.03.1993 |
Laos |
12.09.1991 |
27.04.1995 |
Lesotho |
10.02.2014 |
Lebanon |
30.12.1991 |
16.01.1998 |
Liberia |
10.04.2014 |
Lithuania |
23.10.1919 |
22.08.1991 |
05.10.1991 |
Liechtenstein |
03.12.1996 |
Libya |
16.02.2007 |
Luxembourg |
14.10.1922 |
27.08.1991 |
29.01.1992 |
Madagascar |
04.03.1992 | 26.09.2018 | |
North Macedonia |
14.03.1996 |
Malaysia |
11.09.1991 |
12.06.1993 |
Malawi |
10.09.1998 |
Maldives |
20.06.1994 |
Mali |
25.01.1992 |
26.11.1992 |
Malta |
26.08.1991 |
01.01.1992 |
Marshall Islands | 19.09.2022 | ||
Order of Malta |
15.08.1995 |
Morocco |
24.09.1991 |
05.10.1992 |
Mauritania |
18.09.1991 |
Mauritius |
12.02.2003 |
Montenegro |
19.06.2006 |
Mexico |
10.05.1927 |
05.09.1991 |
27.11.1991 |
Micronesia |
25.02.2015 |
Myanmar |
26.09.2012 |
Moldova |
26.08.1991 |
01.09.1992 |
Monaco |
15.10.2008 |
Mongolia |
29.08.1991 |
15.10.1991 |
Mozambique |
29.04.1992 |
Namibia |
11.04.1997 |
Nauru | 21.05.2018 | ||
Nepal |
20.04.1992 |
Netherlands |
05.03.1921 |
27.08.1991 |
24.09.1991 |
New Zealand |
28.08.1991 |
19.12.1991 |
Niger |
17.04.2012 |
Nigeria |
30.03.2001 |
Nicaragua |
02.09.1991 |
20.06.1994 |
Norway |
05.02.1921 |
25.08.1991 |
27.08.1991 |
Oman |
22.09.1991 |
05.02.1993 |
06.09.1991 |
15.10.1991 |
Palau |
20.03.2015 |
Papua-New Guinea | 09.05.2018 | ||
Pakistan |
10.09.1991 |
29.04.1996 |
Panama |
06.07.1921 |
22.03.1994 |
Paraguay |
01.04.1992 |
03.06.1992 |
Peru |
02.06.1922 |
06.09.1991 |
23.07.1996 |
Philippines |
16.09.1991 |
17.12.1991 |
Poland |
27.01.1921 |
26.08.1991 |
30.08.1991 |
Portugal |
19.02.1921 |
27.08.1991 |
02.10.1991 |
Qatar |
10.12.1996 |
Romania |
26.02.1921 |
26.08.1991 |
13.09.1991 |
Russia (till 1920, the RSFSR) |
11.08.1920 |
24.08.1991 |
04.10.1991 |
The North - Western Region of Russia |
11.11.1919 |
Rwanda |
01.04.1993 |
10.04.2007 |
Salvador |
11.01.2001 |
Samoa |
28.06.2012 |
San Marino |
26.08.1991 |
07.03.2000 |
São Tomé and Príncipe |
28.01.1992 |
26.07.1994 |
Saudi Arabia |
21.03.2003 |
Seychelles |
23.03.1994 |
Senegal |
17.09.1991 |
09.06.1992 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
08.06.2009 |
Saint Lucia |
21.06.2006 |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
25.08.2006 |
Serbia (till 5.06.2006. Serbia and Montenegro, before that till 2003. Yugoslavia) |
19.01.2001 (see Yugoslavia) |
Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes |
07.09.1926 |
Singapore |
06.09.1991 |
20.01.1992 |
Syria |
09.09.1991 |
25.05.1993 |
Sierra Leone |
12.12.2014 |
Slovakia |
01.01.1993 |
Slovenia |
29.08.1991 |
30.09.1991 |
Solomon Islands | 28.06.2012 | ||
Somalia | 26.09.2014 | ||
South Africa |
29.08.1991 |
04.11.1991 |
Spain |
09.04.1921 |
27.08.1991 |
09.10.1991 |
Sudan |
23.01.2015 |
Suriname |
20.05.2009 |
Sri Lanka |
10.10.1991 |
19.09.1996 |
Switzerland |
23.04.1921 |
05.09.1991 |
Sweden | 05.02.1921 | 27.08.1991 | 28.08.1991 |
Tajikistan |
25.12.1991 |
11.05.1994 |
Thailand (till 1921. Siam) |
11.08.1921 |
09.09.1991 |
19.03.1992 |
Tanzania |
28.11.1997 |
Togo | 10.11.1993 |
23.09.2014 |
Tonga | 28.10.2020 | ||
Trinidad and Tobago |
11.03.2003 |
Tunis |
02.09.1991 |
26.06.1992 |
Turkey |
03.01.1925 |
03.09.1991 |
22.10.1991 |
Turkmenistan |
05.02.1993 |
Tuvalu |
07.07.2011 |
Ukraine |
10.12.1919 |
26.08.1991 |
12.02.1992 |
Uganda |
01.10.2013 |
United Arab Emirates |
18.09.1995 | ||
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
26.01.1921 |
27.08.1991 |
05.09.1991 |
United States of America |
28.07.1922 |
02.09.1991 |
05.09.1991 |
Uruguay |
06.07.1992 |
Uzbekistan |
30.09.1991 |
03.11.1992 |
Vanuatu |
07.04.2015 |
Venezuela |
12.01.1922 |
02.09.1991 |
23.04.1992 |
Vietnam |
09.09.1991 |
12.02.1992 |
Yemen |
13.09.1991 |
13.02.1992 |
Yugoslavia |
19.01.2001 |
Zambia |
27.02.1997 |
Zimbabwe |
17.03.1992 |
23.01.2015 |
Information has been compiled on the basis of a collection entitled "Dokumenti par Latvijas valsts starptautisko atzīšanu, neatkarības atjaunošanu un diplomātiskajiem sakariem. 1918. - 1998.", NORDIK, 1999, [Documents on the international recognition, restoration of independence and diplomatic relations of the Republic of Latvia] by the Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia in association with the Latvian Archivists’ Society and the State Archives of Latvia.
1. The dates from 1921 to 1928 for recognition of Latvia as a state also mean the dates of the establishment of diplomatic relations.
2. 27.08.1991. Belgium joined the Declaration by the Member States of the European Community on the independence of the Baltic States. The press release by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Belgium of 23.08.1991 reads that Belgium needs not review the issue of recognition of the Baltic States since it falls within the continuity of states already recognised in the 1920s.
3. On 27.08.1991, Denmark joined the Declaration by the Member States of the European Community on the independence of the Baltic States. The Copenhagen Joint Protocol on Cooperation between the Kingdom of Denmark and the Republic of Latvia of 18.03.1991 once again confirmed the recognition of the state of Latvia in 07.02.1921.
4. The decision of the Government of Liechtenstein on the establishment of direct diplomatic relations and the accreditation of the first Ambassador of Latvia.
* Marked (and not included in the total number) are states that Latvia did not have diplomatic relations with. These states do not currently exist, have disintegrated, or do not have direct successors.