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No 12. oktobra, šķērsojot Latvijas Republikas robežu, būs jāaizpilda elektroniskā anketa

As of 12 October, all travellers to Latvia must complete an electronic questionnaire on the website

Persons entering the Republic of Latvia up till 11 October at 23:59 had to fill in paper questionnaires, but as of 12 October, all persons crossing the border of the Republic of Latvia are required to fill in an electronic questionnaire on the website.

Completion of the contact information form is mandatory for all travellers, and it must be completed no earlier than 48 hours before crossing the Latvian border.

After filling in the form certifying their contact information, the traveller will receive a QR code which is assigned to them personally and which also confirms that the information they submitted was received. The code is required for the transportation service providers, the State Health Inspectorate, the State Police, the Municipal Police, and the border guards to ascertain that the health safety restrictions are being observed.

In case the QR code is lost, the traveller can go back to the website and retrieve their QR code by clicking on the “Receive QR Code” function and entering their e-mail address.

Registration with is also compulsory if the person is crossing Latvia in transit. The providers of cargo and passenger transportation services must also register themselves each time upon entering Latvia.

Residents of Latvia’s border areas who study, work, or receive medical services in Estonia and Lithuania, as well as residents of Valka novads and Valga vald who are crossing the land border between Latvia and Estonia on a daily basis, will have to fill in the questionnaire once every 30 days.

The Information System for Monitoring of Traveller Registration (IECIS), through utilisation of the contact certification questionnaire, will serve as an electronic self-declaration system for persons arriving in Latvia or returning to Latvia from a trip abroad. The system has been developed by the Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior in cooperation with State Police (VP), the State Border Guard (VRS), and the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (SPKC).

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