Development Cooperation News
Pasākuma dalībnieku kopbilde
Photo: Laura Celmiņa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On 11 June 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held its annual seminar for the implementers of development cooperation projects funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Participants exchanged experiences, as well as discussed project communication and other issues related to project implementation.

The seminar was opened by Alise Balode, Director General of the Economic Relations, Trade and Development Cooperation Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In her speech, she emphasised: “Development cooperation as a foreign policy instrument is playing an increasingly important role in shaping Latvia’s image. Our common goal is to provide assistance to partner countries based on their needs, as well as to demonstrate the professionalism of Latvian experts and promote international cooperation.”

Alise Balode stated that support for Ukraine remains unwavering. Of  all the supported projects, four are in Ukraine, four in Africa, three in Uzbekistan and one regional project in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. There is a growing interest in implementing projects in Africa, which allows the expansion of the successful cooperation to date, as well as the launching of the new initiatives.

Alise Balode invited the project implementers to communicate about their projects both in Latvia and in the partner countries to increase the interest in Latvian expertise. Development cooperation projects not only support partner countries but also raise the international recognition of Latvian experts and strengthen mutual contacts.


Background information

In 2024, the bilateral development cooperation policy budget managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs amounts to EUR 1 863 813. The grant project tender of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is now closed. This year, a record number of 75 applications were received, out of which 12 projects are being supported for a total amount of EUR 791 108.50.

11.06.2024. ĀM Ekonomisko attiecību, tirdzniecības un attīstības sadarbības direkcijas vadītāja Alise Balode atklāj attīstības sadarbības granta projektu īstenotāju semināru