News Cooperation with countries
AAE jaunā vēstniece
Photo: Zanda Zelma Lece, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On 9 August 2024, the Acting State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Andžejs Viļumsons, welcomed the Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates, Noora Mohammed A. Juma, for an accreditation visit.

During the meeting, Andžejs Viļumsons called for further development of the bilateral dialogue through political consultations between the two Ministries of Foreign Affairs, as well as further efforts to expand economic cooperation. The officials also emphasised their wish to increase cooperation in the fields of education, culture and the arts, as well as to promote contacts between the people of the two countries. The partners discussed global security issues, including Russian aggression in Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle East.

The accreditation ceremony with the President of Latvia, Edgars Rinkēvičs, is scheduled for 13 August.