Cooperation with countries News
2024. gada 13. augustā Ārlietu ministrijas valsts sekretāra pienākumu izpildītājs Andžejs Viļumsons tikās ar nākamo Albānijas nerezidējošo vēstnieci Latvijā Mimozu Haļimi (Mimoza Halimi).
Photo: Zanda Zelma Lece, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On 13 August 2024, the Acting State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Andžejs Viļumsons, met with the incoming non-resident Ambassador of Albania to Latvia, Mimoza Halimi.

Officials appreciated the friendly relations between the countries and showed interest in developing them further. Andžejs Viļumsons expressed his gratitude for the participation of Albanian soldiers in the NATO Multinational Brigade and Battlegroup in Latvia, ensuring the strengthening of the Alliance's eastern flank. Discussing cooperation in international organisations, Andžejs Viļumsons emphasised one of Latvia's foreign policy priorities – preparation for standing as a candidate in the UN Security Council elections in 2025 for the period of 2026-2027.

European Union (EU) enlargement issues were also discussed. Andžejs Viļumsons expressed his support for Albania's EU integration process and called for the reforms under way to continue. The upcoming visit of the President of Albania to Latvia in September will contribute to the promotion of political dialogue between the two countries, the promotion of economic cooperation, as well as the expansion of people-to-people contacts.

The Albanian Ambassador resides in Warsaw, Poland. The Ambassador's accreditation with the President of Latvia, Edgars Rinkēvičs, takes place on 13 August.