Latvija un Francija paraksta stratēģiskās partnerības rīcības plānu

On 29 September 2023, the Minister for European and Foreign Affairs of the French Republic, Catherine Colonna, is visiting Latvia. As part of her visit, the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Minister of Finance, Arvils Ašeradens, and Catherine Colonna are signing the Action Plan of Latvia-France Strategic Partnership for 2024-2027.

The Action Plan sets out objectives and joint actions expressing the commitment of Latvia and France to strengthen their partnership in a number of priority areas: security and defence, including support for Ukraine; economic and energy cooperation; the European Union matters; development of public administration; and culture, education and language learning.

On 23 May 2008, a Political Declaration on the Strategic Partnership was signed at the level of Heads of Government; the document envisaged drawing up and signing multiannual action plans to be approved by the Cabinet.

During her visit, the French Minister for European and Foreign Affairs has meetings with the President of Latvia, Edgars Rinkēvičs, and the Prime Minister Evika Siliņa, as well as getting acquainted with the implementation of the Rail Baltica project. Minister Colonna will also lay flowers at the Freedom Monument and take a tour of the Museum of Occupation.

Catherine Colonna visited Latvia in 2006 in her capacity of Minister for European Affairs.

29.09.2023. Vizītē Latvijā uzturas Francijas Eiropas un ārlietu ministre Katrīna Kolonā