News from Embassies News
Andris Pelšs iesniedz akreditācijas vēstuli Mathias Cormann
Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs


On 4 September 2024, in Paris, France, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia to the OECD and UNESCO, Andris Pelšs, submitted his letter of credence to the Secretary-General of the OECD, Mathias Cormann.

During the meeting, Ambassador Andris Pelšs underlined Latvia’s commitment to strengthening cooperation with the OECD, especially in areas such as digital transformation, democracy and the sustainability of information integrity, thus promoting sustainable and inclusive development and economic growth at the national, regional and global levels alike.

In the conversation, the Ambassador welcomed current support provided by the organization to Ukraine, while emphasizing that the OECD’s expertise was essential not only for Ukraine’s economy and reconstruction, but also in practical support to Ukraine and its integration into the European Union. The Ambassador noted that the forthcoming accession of Latvia to the OECD Development Assistance Committee (OECD DAC) would further strengthen his country’s development cooperation capabilities, including in Ukraine, which is one of Latvia’s priorities for development cooperation.

Background information

The OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) is an international organisation bringing together 38 countries committed to promoting economic growth and prosperity. Latvia officially joined the OECD in 2016.


04.09.2024. Vēstnieks Andris Pelšs iesniedz akreditācijas vēstuli OECD ģenerālsekretāram Matiasam Kormanam (Mathias Cormann)