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Ambassador of Latvia to the United Nations in Geneva (UNOG), Bahtijors Hasans, presents credentials to UNOG Director-General


On 3 September 2020, Bahtijors Hasans, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Latvia to the United Nations in Geneva, presented his letter of credence to Tatiana Valovaya, the Director General of the UN Office in Geneva.

During the meeting with the Director General, Ambassador Hasans stressed the UN’s role in ensuring peace around the world, and confirmed that Latvia will continue to stand up for the strengthening of multilateral cooperation and adherence to international commitments. Referring to Latvia’s active participation on discussions concerning arms control, including during its recent presidency of the Arms Trade Treaty and chairmanship of the Nuclear Supplier’s Group, Amb. Hasans underlined that without constructive engagement in international processes, it is not possible to assure stability.

On the subject of human rights, Bahtijors Hasans pointed out that promoting full rights and opportunities for women is one of Latvia’s priorities. Involvement of women in all societal processes and in all fields of work and activity is integral to  making sure that long-term peace endures. 

The officials also talked over the current challenges which the UN is facing in the context of the  the COVID-19 pandemic and the financial crisis that has come in its wake. Despite the need to adapt and be resilient in this difficult situation, Director General Valovaya emphasised that these circumstances have also brought on the realisation of the interconnectedness of the international community and that such challenges are global. The UNOG Director General agreed with the Ambassador that these challenges can be addressed through multilateral cooperation.