NATO Cooperation with countries News
Pasākuma dalībnieku kopbilde
Photo: Laura Celmiņa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On 18 July 2024, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baiba Braže, took part in an event hosted by the Ambassador of Canada to Latvia, Brian Szwarc, in recognition of cooperation between Latvia and Canada in security and defence, and the changeover of Canadian military command in Latvia. 

In her address, the Minister noted the excellent relations between the countries, their active political dialogue and close military cooperation at all levels. Canada is a close friend of Latvia and a strong ally in strengthening the security of the Baltic region and NATO’s eastern flank; we are united by a shared world outlook, common values and goals. The Foreign Minister also highlighted the potential for economic cooperation, especially in the military industry, in the manufacturing and testing of security and defence technologies, which successfully complements the excellent cooperation on security and defence.

The Foreign Minister thanked Canada for its leadership in Latvia in scaling up the forward presence to the level of a combat-capable brigade, and she stressed the importance of the Canadian military presence for the security of the Baltic region. The inauguration of the headquarters for the Canadian-led brigade took place this past 3 July. The brigade is scheduled to reach its full combat readiness by 2026. Canada continues to strengthen the Allied presence in Latvia, including through deliveries of new military equipment and infrastructure investments.

In view of changeover in the Canadian military command in Latvia, the Minister expressed gratitude to Col. Vince Kirstein, Commander of the Canadian Task Force Latvia, for his contribution to strengthening military cooperation between the two countries and Latvia’s national defence capabilities and security. The Minister also welcomed to Latvia, and wished success to the new Canadian military command in Latvia – the appointed Task Force Latvia Commander, Col. Jim Smith, and Commander of NATO Multinational Brigade in Latvia, Col. Cédric Aspirault.

The Minister emphasised that Latvia will continue making substantial investments in defence infrastructure to ensure appropriate conditions for the increased presence of NATO Allied forces and capabilities. Some of the priorities are the establishment of the Selonia Military Base and training area, as well as other military infrastructure, including investments in anti-aircraft and anti-missile defence. The Minister thanked Canada for its support to Ukraine, including military support, as well as Canada’s involvement in the Drone Coalition under the co-leadership of Latvia.

18.07.2024. Ārlietu ministres Baibas Bražes dalība Kanādas vēstniecības pasākumā, atzīmējot Kanādas un Latvijas aizsardzības partnerību