Cooperation with countries News
Pasākuma dalībnieku kopbilde
Foto: Ilze Salnāja, Ārlietu ministrija

On 30 August 2024, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baiba Braže, met with a delegation of senators and congressmen led by the United States Senator Mark Kelly, who have arrived in Latvia to explore the security situation in the Baltic States, including resilience to hybrid threat and potential needs for the strengthening of military capabilities. The U.S. delegation represents the Senate Committee on Armed Services and the House Armed Services Committee.

The Foreign Minister Baiba Braže: “The United States is a strategic partner to Latvia, which has always held important the U.S. global leadership role of protecting the ideals of freedom and democratic values.

We are grateful for support from the U.S. Congress for Latvia’s, Baltic and European security, as well as for strengthening the NATO eastern flank. In the current geopolitical climate, it is vital to ensure a continued U.S. military presence in Latvia and the region – also beyond 2025.”

During the meeting, the U.S. Congressional Delegation confirmed that they understood Latvia’s perspective of the existing security threats and the desire for a greater U.S. military presence.

The Minister and the U.S. senators and congressmen were unanimous about the need to keep supporting Ukraine in its fight against the Russian aggression and to jointly make effort to contain Russia and undermine Russia’s military capabilities. The partners agreed that it was essential to continue the successful coordination between Latvia and the United States on sanctions issues so as to strengthen the sanctions regime and prevent loopholes for circumvention.

During its stay in Latvia, the Congressional Delegation also meets with the Prime Minister and the State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence. The visit to Latvia takes place as part of a wider regional visit covering Helsinki, Vilnius, Riga, and Tallinn. The U.S. Congress provides annual funding for the Baltic Security Initiative, which focuses on strengthening the region’s military capabilities.

The delegation of the armed services committees headed by the U.S. Senator Mark Kelly comprised Senator Ted Budd, member of the Senate Committee of Armed Services, Congressman Mike Rogers, Chair of the House Armed Services Committee, and its members Congressmen Adam Smith and Dale Strong, and Congressman Ritchie Torres, member of the House Select Committee on Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party.

2024-08-30 ārlietu ministres Baibas Bražes tikšanās ar ASV senatora Marka Kellija (Mark Kelly) vadīto ASV Kongresa delegāciju