Cooperation with countries News
Dalībnieku kopbilde
Foto: Laura Celmiņa, Ārlietu ministrija

On 3 March 2025, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baiba Braže, met with a delegation from the United States Air War College. The meeting addressed cooperation with the U.S., the security situation in the region, including Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, and the NATO presence in the Baltic region.

Foreign Minister Baiba Braže welcomed the close bilateral relations between Latvia and the U.S. and the transatlantic partnership, stressing that the U.S. military presence in the region is important for deterrence and stability.

Latvia and the U.S. are reliable Allies, and an excellent in-depth cooperation has been established between our armed forces at all levels. Our armed forces take part in military operations side by side, participate regularly in joint exercises, sharing experience and knowledge. Military cooperation between Latvia and the U.S. in the air, at sea and on the ground is vital for Euro-Atlantic security,” the Minister said. We are thankful for the U.S. contribution to the safety of the eastern flank, including the presence of U.S. troops, which is essential for effective deterrence and defence.

In the conversation, the Foreign Minister stressed the need for transatlantic partners to join efforts to constrain Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, including the prevention of circumvention of sanctions, and to continue active provision of military, financial and humanitarian support to Ukraine. The Minister also underlined that defence cooperation between Latvia and the U.S. covers not only joint military exercises and infrastructure development, but also cooperation in innovation, cyber security and air defence, which are essential elements of NATO collective security. 

Latvia support the US concept of “peace through strength” with regard to a possible peace agreement in order to stop Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Europe should assume greater responsibility for its security, with countries investing 3–3.5 per cent of GDP in defence since that would ensure both the capabilities of the NATO Alliance and the security of European countries themselves as well as ability to help Ukraine stand up to the Russian Federation. It is critical for every step we take in the EUNATO format to send a clear message of unity, and for us all to share an understanding: Russia is our common enemy. We must do concrete homework together.

We have signed a bilateral agreement with Ukraine on long-term support and security commitments, including a pledge of military support at 0.25% of GDP and EUR 15 million towards reconstruction over the next two years, as well as taking other initiatives work in the Latvian-led Coalition of Drones, supply of military equipment and weapons, and training of soldiers. We worked with 40 countries to set up a Core Group on the Establishment of a Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine. Along with all other NB8 countries, we are the second largest provider of military support to Ukraine. The Latvian government is already moving towards the target of investing 5% of GDP in security in the coming years.

A delegation from the U.S. Air War College is doing a regional training trip in the Baltic States from February 28 to March 3 to gain deeper insights into security issues and strengthen cooperation with NATO allies.

The Air War College (AWC) was established by the U.S. War Department in 1946 at Maxwell Field, Alabama – now Maxwell Air Force Base. The student body includes officers from all branches of the U.S. military, civilian employees of federal government agencies, and officers from international allies and partner nations. They acquire subject matters such as national security strategy and military strategy, global security and strategic leadership.

03.03.2025. Ārlietu ministre Baiba Braže tiekas ar ASV gaisa kara koledžas (US Air War College) delegāciju

Signe Znotiņa-Znota

Advisor on Strategic Communication and Public Diplomacy
signe.znotina-znota [at]