ārlietu ministre B.Braže atklāj  ekonomiskās mācības vēstniecību kolēģiem 02.10.2024.
Photo: Ilze Salnāja, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

From 2 to 4 October 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs holds the eighth annual training session for Latvian diplomats working with economic affairs abroad. Its aim is to provide the diplomats with an in-depth perspective on current processes in Latvia’s economy as well as promoting cooperation between Latvian diplomats and the business community.

Given the role of embassies in contact building, attraction of investments and protection of business interests in disputes, a regular sharing of information and experience is of particular importance. The training programme includes topics such as Latvia’s priorities in export and attracting investments in the fields of renewable energy, transport and logistics. Sectoral experts will update the trainees on current developments in defence industry in Latvia and cooperation projects, mobilizing of investments in green energy, and opportunities and support instruments provided by the EU Common Trade Policy.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baiba Braže, said in her address to the participants: “Export is one of the cornerstones of Latvia’s economy. Support to entrepreneurs in entering external markets and the attraction of foreign investments to Latvia are among the priorities of the Foreign Service. Let me underline that not only businesses, but also the Saeima and the Government expect the members of the Foreign Service to bring their contribution to economic development. Economy is also a high priority for me as a minister; therefore, I expect our embassies to be active and deliver results.”

At the same time, the Minister invited colleagues from the embassies to provide their view of priorities in their countries of posting and to put forward ideas and proposals for action, since working on the ground, they have the best perspective of sectors and topics where Latvia’s offer has the greatest potential.

The participants will join the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (IDAL), the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and “The Red Jackets Latvian Exporters Association at the workshop and engage in a discussion on the forms, instruments and methods of cooperation for better implementation of Latvia’s external economic interests.

As part of their annual training, the participants get acquainted with companies in one of Latvia’s regions, this year’s destination being Kurzeme. On 3 October, participants will travel to the Ventspils Special Economic Zone and also take part in a matchmaking session for diplomats and businesses, offering an opportunity to meet in person with representatives from more than 20 companies. The meeting will be followed by a visit to SIA Hansamatrix, SIA Bio-Venta and the Industrial Park of Ventspils Port.

On 4 October, the diplomats will meet business people at the matchmaking event in Liepāja, and they will also explore companies in the Liepāja Special Economic Zone – SIA Syfud, SIA Green Fields Factory and SIA Caljan – as well as the industrial territory of Liepāja Port and Karosta.

Taking part in the training programme are diplomats working with promotion of economic relations and building cooperation on a daily basis. Their regional visit will be hosted by the Ventspils City Council and representatives from the Ventspils Free Port Special Economic Zone, Liepāja Central Administration and the Special Economic Zone.

This year’s training session has gathered more than 35 Latvian diplomats from 35 countries where Latvia has diplomatic missions.  

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs would like to thank the Ventspils City Council and Liepāja Central Administration for their support and input to designing the training programme.



02.10.2024. Ārlietu ministre Baiba Braže atklāj astotās Ārlietu ministrijas ikgadējās ekonomikas mācības Latvijas diplomātiem ārvalstīs