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The Bucharest Nine Foreign Ministers of NATO gather in Vilnius


On 10 March 2020, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Edgars Rinkēvičs, took part in a meeting of Foreign Ministers in the Bucharest Nine (B9) format in Vilnius, Lithuania.

The meeting addressed the current security situation in the Euro-Atlantic space, including in the Baltic region, and they reviewed priorities ahead of the meeting of NATO Foreign Affairs Ministers in Brussels on 2–3 April. The Ministers discussed NATO’s policy with regard to threats generated by Russia, the progress achieved in relation to a fair burden-sharing, the fight against international terrorism, and other matters. 

The countries were unanimous about the integral role in transatlantic relations and the importance of the presence of U.S. troops for European security. Preparing for the meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in Brussels work should continue to strengthen NATO’s policy vis-à-vis threats posed by Russia and in response to the complicated security situation in the south. In view of the diverse scope of challenges, the Ministers agreed that an even more active dialogue is needed between NATO and the European Union. 

Latvia will continue honouring its NATO commitment to deliver 2% of its GDP to defence while developing its military capabilities and interoperability with the NATO enhanced Forward Presence forces in Latvia, Foreign Minister Rinkēvičs underlined.

On 11 March, Edgars Rinkēvičs, together with other Foreign Ministers of the B9 format countries, is taking part in events to mark the 30th anniversary of the re-establishment of the State of Lithuania.

The B9 format brings together nine NATO countries, Latvia, Lithuania Estonia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary, for a regular security policy dialogue at various levels.  In Vilnius, the Foreign Ministers of the nine NATO countries were joined by the U.S. Acting Assistant Secretary of State, Philip T. Reeker, and NATO’s Assistant Secretary General for Defense Policy and Planning, Patrick Turner.