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On 18 April 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers approved a draft order on the participation of the civilian experts Raimonds Deičmanis in the European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM Georgia) as from 10 May 2023.

Raimonds Deičmanis has been approved for the position of Monitor. From now on, there will be eleven civilian experts from Latvia working on the EUMM Georgia. At present, 26 European Union Member States are participating in the mission with 251 experts.

The EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia was established in 2008 to facilitate defusing of tension between the parties to the conflict, and the stabilisation and normalisation of the situation. The mission is the only international body monitoring compliance with the Six-Point Agreement between Russia and Georgia.

Candidates for EU missions are selected by the European External Action Service (EEAS). The participation of Latvian civilian experts posted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to international missions and operations is set out in the Cabinet Regulation No. 598 of 22 September 2020, “Procedures for sending a civilian expert for participation in an international mission or operation”. Those interested in taking part in international missions and operations as civilian experts are invited to contact the Global Security Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by e-mail: