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On 18 February 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers considered a report prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “On the participation of Latvian civilian experts in international missions and operations in 2020-2022”.

Latvia is currently taking part in three civilian missions with 25 civilian experts: 9 experts at the European Union Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform in Ukraine; 8 experts at the EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia; and 8 experts at the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine. There are plans to increase the number of civilian experts deployed to 30 next year for participation in the EU, OSCE, the United Nations and NATO international missions and operations.

An inter-ministerial working group will be convened in order to draw up legislation as provided for in Amendments to Law on International Assistance adopted on 16 January 2020, thereby improving the system of deployment of civilian experts.  To strengthen the capacity of Latvian civilian experts, a training programme for civilian experts will be devised starting from 2020.

Civilian experts sent by Latvia are specialists in the foreign affairs, home affairs and public administration sectors who were chosen through a competitive selection process announced by international organisations. The experts are approved by the Latvian Government and their task is to provide support and advice to countries in a crisis situation. By this, Latvia contributes in practical terms to fostering international peace and security, as well as the strengthening of a rules-based international order.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, being the ministry responsible for sending civilian experts on international missions and operations, prepares a Cabinet Report every three years, providing an overview of Latvia’s contribution to the strengthening of international peace and security thorough the engagement of civilian experts.