News Support for Ukraine

On 8 August 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a draft order on the participation of civilian expert Arsenijs Mihejevs in the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM) for Civilian Security Sector Reform in Ukraine starting from 1 September this year.

Arsenijs Mihejevs has been confirmed as Senior Adviser on General Policing.

Following his confirmation, the EU Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform in Ukraine will be staffed by four Latvian civilian experts. Currently, 25 EU Member States with 146 experts are participating in the mission.

The EU Advisory Mission Ukraine was established in 2014 to support Ukraine in the area of civilian security sector reform. The mission provides strategic advice to the Ukrainian authorities at both the central and regional level in the development of civilian security sector reform strategies and the implementation of related reforms. In 2022, amendments to the mission’s mandate were adopted, which include support to Ukraine’s border guards, customs and police in coordinating humanitarian and refugee flows, as well as support in documenting war crimes in Ukraine. 

Background Information

The European External Action Service (EEAS) selects candidates for EU missions. The participation of Latvian civilian experts in international missions and operations is regulated by Cabinet Regulation No. 598 adopted on 22 September 2020 “Procedure for sending a civilian expert to participate in an international mission or operation”. Those interested in the possibilities of participating in international missions and operations as a civilian expert are invited to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by e-mail