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In view of the state of emergency in Latvia and measures for containing the COVID-19 pandemic abroad, the diplomatic missions and consulates of Latvia will continue to ensure emergency consular assistance from 16 March to 14 April 2020. However, during this period, meetings in person for customer service will not take place. Visa applications will be received only at the outsourced service companies, except in cases related to national interests or to humanitarian reasons. No applications for Latvian residence permits will be accepted during this time.

The purpose of the changes is in order to observe precautionary measures and to prevent the spread of infection as much as possible. The uninterrupted functioning of embassies including the possibility to contact the embassies by telephone, e-mail or mail remain in place.

We call on all Latvian nationals to heed instructions by local authorities aimed at containing the pandemic and to act in responsible manner with regard to their health and that of other people.