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 The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has evaluated applications submitted for the co-financing grant competition on support for development cooperation and global learning projects funded by the European Commission and other international aid donors in designated recipient countries. Co-financing has been awarded to the following projects:

  1. A project by “Cleantech Latvia” – “Capacity building of industry associations serving engineering companies in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan”, to offer support for introducing certification of engineers to ensure high quality standards in investment projects and the development of micro, small and medium sized companies;
  2. A project by “Risinājumu darbnīca” (Workshop of Solutions) – “Civil society engagement in improving the rural development processes and promotion of efficient models for sustainable local development”, to increase the role of civil society in improving the rural development process in Moldova through ensuring transparency and promoting an effective, sustainable local development;
  3. A project by “Esi labs!” (Be Good) association, “Forests Project” – voluntary work contributing to more sustainable forest management in Ghana and Vietnam.

No global (development) education projects were submitted.

In accordance with the Development Cooperation Policy Plan for 2020, applications could be submitted by associations, foundations, and social partners whose projects had received support from the European Commission or other donors. Total funding available for the competition is EUR 15,305.91.