Cooperation with countries News
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On 25 May 2024, diplomats from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of four Baltic Sea states – Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland – gathered for an informal meeting in Riga. The meeting aims to promote cooperation and working level contacts between the countries, which will come useful in the current complicated international situation.

To boost the partnership spirit, the ministry staff members also competed in a basketball friendship tournament – a close-knit and friendly team of the Baltic Sea states’ Foreign Ministries is a vital element to jointly face geopolitical challenges.

This is the 17th meeting of representatives from the Foreign Ministries of the Baltic Sea states. This year, according to a rotating order, it has been organized by the Foreign Ministry of Latvia, and next year the meeting will be held in Lithuania. On a previous occasion, Latvia hosted such a gathering in 2017. The event did not take place for several years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.