In a decision adopted today, 25th of February 2022 at the extraordinary meeting, the Committe of Ministers Deputies decided to take measures under Article 8 of the Statute of the Council of Europe to suspend Russia from its rights of representation in the organization referring to the Russian military attack against Ukraine. Article 8 of the Statute is applied when one of the member states has seriously violated Article 3 of the Statute that determines that every member state must accept principles of the rule of law, human rights and must act in accordance with the principles of the Council. If Russia will not draw lessions from this decision and will not cease military attack against Ukraine, the Committe may decide that it has ceased to be a member of the Council. From 47 member states, 42 delegations voted in favour of the decision.

The Council of Europe is a regional organization that is based on the principles of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Russia joined the organization in 1996.

Official statement by Council of Europe