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Eiropas Savienības Informācijas sniedzēju forumā diskutē par ES ārpolitiku un nākotnes izaicinājumiem


On 2 October 2020, the annual European Union Information Providers’ Forum took place in a videoconference format. Their discussion this year was entitled "The New Reality" and it emphasised current challenges to the EU outlining lessons drawn from the COVID-19 pandemic and identifying possible solutions. The forum was opened by the Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica.

At the European Union level, it is being considered how Europe could emerge from the crisis stronger and more resilient and how to create opportunities for the future, said the Parliamentary Secretary in her welcoming remarks.

Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica underlined that, to make the EU stronger, the highest standards should be maintained in democracy, human rights and the rule of law, as well as reinforcing the EU’s economy, including through improvements to the functioning of the Single Market, stimulating innovations, especially in the digital sector, and plotting the course toward a climate-neutral EU.

ropean Union. At the same time, the EU’s common foreign and security, and the EU’s role as an influential global actor should be strengthened.

Matters of current importance for the EU will be discussed at a Conference on the Future of Europe held in all Member States from the end of this year to 2022. The Parliamentary Secretary noted in particular the need to involve the widest possible range of stakeholders in the discussions and to deliver tangible and concrete outcomes. The organisation of the event should build on the successful example of citizens’ consultations held in 2018 when, through in-person discussions and via digital platforms, several thousand people made their opinions heard on EU-related matters essential for Latvia.    

Later on during the event, in a discussion panel moderated by Uģis Lībietis, the Parliamentary Secretary Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica; a Member of the European Parliament, Sandra Kalniete; and the information technologies expert, Darya Skakouskaya provided an evaluation of urgent EU foreign policy matters, including developments in Belarus, relations with the United States, the escalation of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, challenges posed by China to economy and other fields.

The work of the forum was moderated by Andris Gobiņš, the President of “European Movement – Latvia” association. Remarks to the participants are also delivered by Marta Rībele, the Head of the European Parliament Liaison Office in Latvia, and Andris Kužnieks, the Acting Head of the European Commission Representation in Latvia.

Guna Japiņa, the Director of the Foreign Ministry’s Consular Department, Guna Japiņa, made a presentation with advice for travelling safely and the constantly shifting situation abroad, in relation to both infection trends and international passenger transportation.

Background information

The European Union Information Providers Forum is organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Office of the European Parliament in Latvia and the representation of the European Commission in Latvia in cooperation with the European Movement in Latvia.

The event, which has now become a tradition, is held twice a year and it brings together the providers of EU-related information – EU information contacts at national and local governments, representatives from EU Information Points (ESIP), Europe Direct Information Centres (EDIC), people heading EU information networks, opinion leaders, members of the European clubs in schools, the media, NGOs, and the private sector.