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ES ārlietu attīstības padome vienojas par kopēju Eiropas atbalstu partnervalstīm cīņā pret globālo krīzi


On 8 April 2020, the Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, took part in the informal videoconference of the European Union (EU) Foreign Affairs Council (Development). At the meeting, EU Member States agreed on joint EU support of partner countries in countering the COVID-19 crisis.

The crisis, by increasingly causing health, security and stability risks, poses a considerable challenge to the health care systems and the socio-economic situation in EU Member States. A global crisis calls for global solutions, both in the short term and long term. The Council exchanged views on how Europe could work together to support partners in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects, as well as expressing solidarity rooted in European values, which is of special importance in the context of a crisis.

In her remarks to the Ministers, Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica pointed out that Latvia, being part of a European team, will refocus its support for EU Eastern Partnership and Central Asian countries to the areas which require immediate support. Any crisis, also a one which is so severe, brings new opportunities. Under the new circumstances, we shall call for strengthening innovative remote digital solutions developed by the non-governmental and private sectors, including in cooperation with public authorities, the Parliamentary Secretary said. The development of voluntary community initiatives must also be promoted in the partner countries. We see successful examples in Latvia and other EU states that can inspire solutions that would also support the most vulnerable part of society in our partner countries during this crisis, Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica noted.

During the meeting, the Member States underlined the pivotal role of coordinated multilateral cooperation, including at the United Nations and through the G20, in countering challenges posed by the pandemic.

The European Commission announced that 15.6 billion euros of its external cooperation funds will be channelled into support badly needed by the partners at this point. Support from “Team Europe” – the EU and its Member States as well as financial institutions including the European banks for development (especially the EIB and EBRD) – will exceed 20 billion euros. The overall package will cover development cooperation activities, humanitarian assistance and support for multilateral organisations in the partner countries on the ground.

The priorities of the EU and its Member States in combating the virus are to protect people, save lives and address economic challenges. Thus Europe will offer joint support without delay to health care, and to social and economic needs of the EU’s partner countries. For instance, 30 million euros are to be channelled towards immediate needs of the health care sector in the Eastern Partnership countries. This has enabled the EU to deliver essential medical equipment to the Emergency Medical Care Centre in the Donetsk region of Ukraine.