News Support for Ukraine
Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica ES informācijas sniedzēju forumā

On 12 April 2022, an online Forum of European Union Information Providers brought together participants from across Latvia. They shared updates on what has been accomplished and planned, as well as exchanging views on EU security policy, the fight against disinformation, and the expected outcomes of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

In her address to the participants of the event, the Parliamentary Secretary Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica condemned in the strongest terms Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and reaffirmed strong support from Latvia for Ukraine and its people: “It is an assault not only on a sovereign, peaceful neighbouring country but also on democratic values across the globe. It is an assault on everything we stand up for, we believe in, and had considered safe and secure.”

The Parliamentary Secretary also underlined the importance of a united and strong response from the European and transatlantic partners as they agree on targeted sanctions against Russia; however, the current pushback has not been effective enough for Russia to stop its invasion. Clearly, we must take further steps and impose sanctions on Russia’s energy sector, Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica noted.

The provision of all possible assistance to Ukraine must continue. Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica informed the audience of more than 40 humanitarian aid shipments that had been delivered to help Ukrainian civilians, while in Latvia support had been provided to approximately 20,000 Ukrainian refugees. We offer our gratitude to all organisations and every individual for their selfless engagement in the provision and coordination of humanitarian assistance to Ukraine, the Parliamentary Secretary said.  

Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica also underlined: “On a daily basis, we have been receiving new reports and evidence of war crimes perpetrated by Russia. Therefore, it is vital that every effort be made to document and investigate war crimes committed in Ukraine at the Kremlin’s bidding. We are certain that those responsible will be called to account.”

Russia’s invasion has brought to the fore the issue of strengthening Europe’s defence capabilities. The recently approved EU Strategic Compass sets out concrete tasks for the Common Defence and Security Policy, including close cooperation with NATO and strengthening resilience against hybrid threats and disinformation. The Parliamentary Secretary pointed out that war was being waged not only on the Ukrainian land but also in the information space: “We are witnessing efforts to distort reality, exonerate and deny war crimes perpetrated by Russia, and attempts to influence the public thought in the West.”

The participants also discussed the conclusion of the Conference on the Future of Europe due on 9 May and the results expected. The Parliamentary Secretary underlined that the process had been challenging and the outcomes were still uncertain; nevertheless, it had been valuable at the national level due to multi-faceted response received from people in Latvia sharing their perspective of the EU’s future development. The results obtained will feed into further formulation of Latvia’s national interests.

Background information:

The European Union Information Providers Forum has been organised since 2008 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Office of the European Parliament in Latvia and the Representation of the European Commission in Latvia.  The event brings together the providers of EU-related information – EU information contacts at national and local governments, representatives from EU Information Points (ESIP), Europe Direct Information Centres (EDIC), the media and civil society organisations.