2021. gada 17. augustā ārlietu ministrs Edgars Rinkēvičs piedalījās ārkārtas Eiropas Savienības (ES) Ārlietu padomē videokonferences formātā

On 17 August 2021, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Edgars Rinkēvičs took part in an extraordinary meeting of the European Union (EU) Foreign Affairs Council in a video conference format, which was convened to consider the situation in Afghanistan. Ministers were in agreement that recent developments have caused the security situation to deteriorate considerably both in Afghanistan and across the region. Special focus was placed on the responsibility of the Taliban for compliance with international rules including human rights as well as guaranteeing a safe and secure environment and possibilities for a free movement to people.

Edgars Rinkēvičs underlined that the EU should retain a unified and coordinated approach together with NATO and other likeminded partners in order to address current challenges and identify the ways and criteria for future cooperation with Afghanistan. The assessment of the unfolding situation and the possibility of cooperation will be conditioned on the actions of the Taliban concerning respect for the rights of the Afghan people, especially women and girls. 

EU ministers of foreign affairs also discussed the impact of the developments in Afghanistan on EU Member States, being aware of a possible rapid increase in the migration flow. In that context, a closer cooperation of the EU with Central Asian countries and other countries in the region is if special importance, the Foreign Minister said.