Pasākuma dalībnieku kopbilde
Photo: Laura Celmiņa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On 4 and 5 July 2024, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baiba Braže, met with the President of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Dennis Francis, who is in Latvia on a working visit.

The officials discussed the regional and global security situation, including the impact of Russia’s war in Ukraine on international order. The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Baiba Braže, underlined that all kinds of support should also be provided to Ukraine on the part of the UN. Dennis Francis confirmed that Russia’s war in Ukraine and its consequences will remain on the agenda of the UN General Assembly, and he stressed that all UN Member States, including Russia, have an obligation to act in compliance with the UN Charter. Prior to his visit to Latvia, the President of the UNGA had been in Ukraine on an official visit; from that perspective, the officials discussed current issues of political and practical assistance to Ukraine. Dennis Francis thanked the Latvian Government and the public for their broad support to Ukraine.

During the talks, Baiba Braže and Dennis Francis also discussed the UN’s current affairs and the contribution of Latvia to addressing various challenges, including the transfer of expertise in figting disinformation and promoting gender equality. The officials got acquainted with the work of the Latvian UN Youth delegate Programme, and noted the engagement of Latvian youth in UN discussions and processes. The President of the UNGA welcomed Latvia’s active involvement in the UN and its significant contribution to strengthening multilateralism.

On 5 July, in a discussion titled “Nothing about us without us. The role of small countries in the UN” of the LAMPA Conversation Festival, Foreign Minister Baiba Braže, the Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkhkna, and the UNGA President Dennis Francis will exchange views on how small countries can protect their interests and influence the UN agenda, in particular, with a view to Latvia’s candidacy for membership of the UN Security Council in 2026–2027. Poet Kārlis Vērdiņš and the UN Youth Delegate from Latvia, Kristofers Kārlis Krūmiņš are also taking part in the discussion.

As part of his visit, the President of the UN General Assembly also had meetings with Prime Minister Evika Siliņa, the Minister of Climate and Energy, Kaspars Melnis, and Latvian representatives of the UN Youth Delegate Programme.

Background information

The General Assembly is the main policy-making organ of the UN, comprising all of the 193 Member States. The General Assembly meets in regular sessions from September to December each year. The work and sessions of the Assembly are chaired by a president elected by the UN Member States in accordance with the principle of rotation among the regional groups.

The diplomat of Trinidad and Tobago, Dennis Francis, was elected as President of the 78th session, representing Latin America and the Caribbean region. His mandate is in effect through mid-September.

This is already the second visit by a President of the UNGA to Latvia: the previous occasion was in July 2022.

05.07.2024. Ārlietu ministre Baiba Braže tiekas ar ANO Ģenerālās asamblejas prezidentu Denisu Francisu (Dennis Franci) un ANO jauniešu delegāciju