Krišjānis Kariņš sveic Rīgas Juridiskās augstskolas Intensīvās programmas Eiropas tiesībās un ekonomikā absolventus
Photo: Edmunds Brencis

On 15 December 2023, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Krišjānis Kariņš, congratulated the graduates of the winter session of the Intensive Programme in European Law and Economics run by Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL).

Krišjānis Kariņš urged the participants to apply the knowledge they had acquired for the development of their countries: “Put your knowledge to use to help society and your country grow and develop. I wish you achievement and success in your future lives.”

Certificates to 20 trainees from Georgia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan were presented by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Andris Pelšs.

The Intensive Programme is Latvia’s contribution to supporting young professionals from countries in the neighbourhood of the European Union. The winter session of the course brought together 20 professionals representing public administration, civil society and the academic sector in Georgia, Moldova and the Central Asian countries.

The Intensive Programme is held in Riga with in-person attendance. As part of their training, the students also do a week-long study trip to Brussels, where they meet with representatives from European Union institutions.

In 2023, three sessions of the RGSL Intensive Programme in European Law and Economics were held, with 53 participants graduating.

Background information

The Riga Graduate School of Law has been successfully carrying out programmes in European Law and Economics for countries in the EU’s Neighbourhood Policy region, Central Asia and the Western Balkans since 2014.

The programmes are supported from the budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs allocated for the development cooperation policy, with financial contributions from the United States and other countries.

In total, more than 600 participants from 20 partner countries and territories have graduated from the programmes implemented by RGSL since 2014. They are applying their newly acquired knowledge and experience towards the growth of their home countries.

15.12.2023. Ārlietu ministrs sveic Rīgas Juridiskās augstskolas Intensīvās programmas Eiropas tiesībās un ekonomikā absolventus