Latvijas ārlietu ministrs Krišjānis Kariņš un Igaunijas ārlietu ministrs Marguss Cahkna

On 13 October 2023, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Krišjānis Kariņš, was in Estonia on a working visit. He met with the Speaker of the Estonian Parliament, Lauri Hussar, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, Margus Tsahkna. This was the Latvian Foreign Minister’s first working visit to Estonia. 

At their meeting, the Foreign Ministers of Latvia and Estonia exchanged views on bilateral relations, economic cooperation and the ways for its enhancement, the situation with the implementation of regional transport and energy projects, security in the region, as well as cooperation in international organisations.

“Latvia and Estonia are closest neighbours and allies. At this point in time, the deepening and strengthening of relations is also particularly important among close friends,” Krišjānis Kariņš emphasized.

The Minister noted the active economic cooperation between Latvia and Estonia, as evidenced by an increase in trade and investment flows. Connectivity and energy are the most important sectors of cooperation. Krišjānis Kariņš confirmed Latvia’s readiness to provide assistance to Estonia, if necessary, in repairing damage to the Balticconector gas pipeline and telecommunications cable.

Krišjānis Kariņš also noted that it was also necessary to exploit potential and develop joint projects in the digital sector, as well as promote cooperation beneficial to both countries in the areas such as tourism, innovations, smart technologies, and startups.

The officials of the two countries commended the Latvian-Estonian partnership in the defence sector, making a special note of joint military procurements.

The discussions also addressed the issue of Russia’s war against Ukraine. The diplomats expressed strong and unwavering support for Ukraine, while emphasizing that a united position by Latvia and Estonia has proved its effectiveness in the European Union, NATO and in bilateral negotiations with partners.

The parties agreed that it was a priority to effectively implement sanctions against Russia and to prevent their circumvention. The Latvian Foreign Minister underlined the importance of setting up an international tribunal to try Russia’s crimes of aggression.

At the meeting with the Speaker of the Estonian Parliament, Krišjānis Kariņš discussed bilateral relations between the two countries and the ways to strengthen them.


Photo: Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

13.10.2023. Ārlietu ministra Krišjāņa Kariņa vizīte Tallinā