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Ārlietu ministrs: Latvijas un Moldovas attiecības ir draudzīgas un konstruktīvas, tās ir jāaktivizē ekonomiskā jomā


On 12 February 2020, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Edgars Rinkēvičs, met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldova, Aureliu Ciocoi, who is in Latvia on a working visit. The Ministers discussed bilateral relations between Latvia and Moldova, Moldova’s cooperation with the European Union (EU), and developments in Transnistria.

Edgars Rinkēvičs expressed his satisfaction with the friendly and constructive relations between Latvia and Moldova; in addition, the economic relations between the two countries  are developing in a positive  manner, and must be intensified. The Minister invited Moldova to cooperate in bioeconomy, biomedicine, smart technologies and information technologies, as well as transit and logistics. The Moldovan Foreign Minister called for opening direct flights between Riga and Chisinau and promote cooperation between the governments of the two capital cities.

Latvia has been providing support for Moldova through bilateral development cooperation for 15 years, Edgars Rinkēvičs noted. Latvia offers support in areas such as good governance, border management, regional and rural development, and promoting competitiveness of small and medium-sized companies. The previous Moldovan Government had successfully launched reform processes and we expect the work to continue, Edgars Rinkēvičs underlined.

The Ministers discussed the efforts towards resolving the Transnistrian conflict by means of a peaceful dialogue, respecting the internationally recognised border of the Republic of Moldova. We welcome and support progress in the 5+2 negotiations, Edgars Rinkēvičs noted, adding that the issues of the conflict settlement should be addressed within that dialogue taking into account the opinions of all parties to talks.  

Background information

Aureliu Ciocoi has been Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova since 14 November 2019. In 1992, he received a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Communication from Moldovan State University and, in 1994, graduated from the National School for Political and Administrative Studies in Romania. Aureliu Ciocoi began his diplomatic career at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Moldova in 1992. He has been posted as Chargé d’Affaires to Germany (2009-2010) and later, as Ambassador to Denmark (2010-2015), China (2015-2017) and the USA (2017). Prior to being appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Aureliu Ciocoi was Foreign Policy Adviser to the President of the Republic of Moldova.