United Nations News
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Photo: Gatis Rozenfelds, State Chancellery

From 21 to 27 September 2024, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baiba Braže, will take part in the events of the High-level Week as part of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York. In parallel with discussions on global developments, the UNGA will focus on the strengthening of international solidarity and the rules-based order, as enshrined in the UN Charter. In the current geopolitical situation, it is essential for Latvia to build a stronger bilateral dialogue with partners from different regions of the world.

With a view to enhancing cooperation in bilateral and multilateral formats, as well as explaining security situation in our region and raising awareness thereof, Baiba Braže’s schedule for the week of the UNGA 79th session includes meetings with more than 20 foreign ministers from Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Asia-Pacific regions.

On Saturday, 21 September, the Foreign Minister will visit a Latvian school in New Jersey and meet with the diaspora.

On Sunday, 22 September, the Foreign Minister Baiba Braže will deliver a statement on behalf of Latvia in an interactive event on the strengthening of multilateralism at the Summit of the Future: https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k19/k1930qjlo0?_gl=1*4w4aa3*_ga*MTg0OTMyNjQzNy4xNzAwMDU3NDQ4*_ga_TK9BQL5X7Z*MTcyNjgzNzczOC45LjEuMTcyNjgzNzgzOS4wLjAuMA..

On Monday, 23 September the Minister will take part in the following events:

  • G7+ Foreign Ministers Meeting on Ukraine Energy Sector Support;
  • the meeting of the European Union Foreign Ministers;
  • the meeting on artificial intelligence hosted by the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and in the meeting hosted by the UN Deputy Secretary-General, Amina J Muhammed;
  • the meeting of the Nordic and Baltic Foreign Ministers with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister.

On Tuesday, 24 September, following the official opening of the UNGA 79th Session and the launch of the UNGA high-level General Debate, Baiba Braže will join the President of Latvia at the UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine and then attend a transatlantic Foreign Ministers’ meeting hosted by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

On Wednesday, 25 September

  • The Minister is to deliver remarks at the High Level Meeting on addressing the existential threats posed by sea level rise, and the G20 Foreign Ministers Meeting on the global governance reform. Follow the meeting on sea level rise online from 17.00 Riga time on the UN WebTV website at https://webtv.un.org/en
  • At 21.00 Riga time, Minister Baiba Braže will have a live interview with a CNN programme, Isa Soares Tonight.
  • The Minister will deliver remarks and participate in a panel discussion organised by the Observers Research Foundation on development cooperation issues, A Tigers' Sale: Crafting A New Development Paradigm.


On Thursday, 26 September

  • The Minister will deliver remarks at the ministerial meeting of the Group of Friend of Mediation.
  • The Minister will take part in the Ministerial Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States.
  • The Minister will take part in a reception for the Forum of Small States (FOSS).

On Friday, 27 September, the Minister will take part in the Group of Friends Meeting for the Review of Rome Statute, and meet with the International Crisis Group.

Topics highlighted while participating in UN events will be Russia’s accountability for international crimes committed in Ukraine, the strengthening of multilateralism and international order, and the need for a global governance reform.


Latvia’s candidacy for the United Nations Security Council.

Latvia is currently standing as a candidate for membership of the United Nations Security Council for the period of 2026–2027, which is one of the long-term goals in Latvia’s foreign policy laid down the National Development Plan until 2027. Latvia is actively engaged in the UN agenda by providing its own experience and expertise. Latvia has been elected to important UN bodies such as the Human Rights Council, the Economic and Social Council, and the Peacebuilding Commission. Latvia advocates international legal order, independence and territorial integrity of all UN Member States, as well as accountability for violations of international law, and combating intolerance, with a view to ensuring just and sustainable peace.


For information

  • The High-level Week the 79th Session of the UNGA in New York is held from 21 to 30 September. Alongside discussions on international developments, the key focus of this session will be placed on the strengthening of international solidarity and the rules-based order.
  • At the events of the High-level Week, Latvia will be represented by President Edgars Rinkēvičs, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baiba Braže, and the Minister of Health, Hosams Abu Meri.
  • For updates on the visit, follow the Foreign Ministry on its social network accounts.