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Latvijas un Igaunijas ārlietu ministri pārrunā reģionālo sadarbību un ārējo attiecību jautājumus


On 17 February 2021, the Latvian Foreign Minister, Edgars Rinkēvičs, met with the new Minister of Foreign Affairs or Estonia, Eva-Maria Liimets, who was in Latvia for her first visit as Foreign Minister. During their meeting, the Ministers discussed the bilateral relations between Latvia and Estonia, questions of regional cooperation, and the situation in Belarus and Russia.  

The Latvian and Estonian foreign ministers assessed and reviewed the friendly neighbourly relations of their countries which are based on common values as well as similar historical experiences and similar economic interests.

The Latvian Foreign Minister noted, amongst other things, that the Languages Award of the Latvian and Estonian foreign ministries is a beautiful tradition that for over ten years has brought the two countries even closer together while raising the mutual awareness about what is happening in each of country. The award provides an opportunity to appreciate the role of teachers and translators in promoting bilateral relations.

The Ministers exchanged views on the current circumstances in the fight to contain the COVID-19 pandemic and talked about the geopolitical role and economic importance of projects for regional transport and energy. Concerning Rail Baltica, the Ministers stressed the need to move the project forward and the need to ensure financial participation of the European Union. 

In discussing international relations, Edgars Rinkēvičs highlighted the close cooperation on coordination of standpoints between Latvia and Estonia when it comes to Russia, including in various international formats. This approach should be continued, Minister Rinkēvičs said, with the engagement of like-minded countries. And with regard to the situation in Belarus, the Ministers agreed that only real solution to the crisis would be fresh and fair presidential elections with the presence of international observers.

Eva-Maria Liimets has been the Foreign Minister of Estonia since 26 January 2021. During her working visit, the Estonian Foreign Minister also had a meeting with the President of Latvia, Egils Levits.