Development Cooperation News
2024 grant competition for development cooperation projects

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has evaluated the project applications submitted for the 2024 grant competition, “Support for Development Cooperation Projects in recipient countries designated by the Republic of Latvia”, and allocates funding (grants) to the projects to be implemented in 2024 and 2025. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has awarded a full grant to the following projects:

  1. “Training of Ukraine medical staff in microsurgery for the treatment of the combat-caused wounds” by the Latvian Microsurgeons Association to be implemented in 2024 and 2025;
  2. “Building Digital Education of Indigenous Inherited Crops for the Resilience of African Food Systems in the Climate Crisis” by the Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies to be implemented in 2024 and 2025 in Ghana;
  3. “IMPULSS - RE-launching and building capacity of Social Economy in Ukraine in the time of military aggression: strengthening resilience of social enterprises and social impact business development support” by the New Door association to be implemented in 2024;
  4. An entrepreneurship education and development project, ‘Women Empowerment through Entrepreneurship and Business Environment Development in Africa ‘She Rebuilds the World’’ (SRW, Season 3), by the Economic Cooperation and Investments for Latvia (#esiLV) association to be implemented in 2024 and 2025 in Namibia, Ethiopia and Rwanda;
  5. “Support to the National Standardization Institution of Ukraine with the creation of an AI-based automatic translation solution for the translation of standards” by Latvian Standard LLC to be implemented in 2024 and 2025;
  6. “Improving phytosanitary system to boost food exports in Uzbekistan” by State Plant Protection Service of the Republic of Latvia to be implemented in 2024 and 2025;
  7. “Development of biotechnology and digital skills for climate-controlled agriculture (BioDigiSkills)” by Bulduri Technical School LLC to be implemented in 2024 and 2025 in Uzbekistan;
  8. “Human Rights Guide – human rights education for strengthening the respect of rule of law and democratic values” by the Baltic Human Rights Society to be implemented in 2024 and 2025 in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine;
  9. “Strengthening the official control system and improving the compliance of aquaculture farms and establishments processing fishery products in the Republic of Uzbekistan according to EU standards” by the Food and Veterinary Service of the Republic of Latvia to be implemented in 2024;
  10. “Increasing the competitiveness of Rwandan Small and Medium agricultural producers by strengthening the availability of knowledge on product quality requirements, product diversification and market promotion with focus on horticulture, aquaculture and food processing” by the Latvian Rural Consultation and Education Centre to be implemented in 2024 and 2025;
  11. “Tech training for girls in Egypt “Girls in Tech”” by the Riga TechGirls association to be implemented in 2024 and 2025.

Taking into account the rules of the competition and the total available funding, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is prepared to allocate partial funding for the implementation of the project of the State Probation Service of Latvia, “Providing support for strengthening the functions and administrative management of the Probation Centre in Ukraine”, in 2024 and 2025.

This year the interest in participating in the competition announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs remained high. A record number of 75 applications were received. It was possible to support 12 of the projects for a total amount of EUR 791 108.50 in 2024.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses its gratitude to all project applicants for their participation in the competition. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is pleased with the growing interest in development cooperation and the quality of the project proposals. All project applicants will be informed individually about the results of the assessment of the submitted project.