News Development Cooperation
2024 grant competition for development cooperation projects

On 9 July 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is announcing a grant project competition, “Support to financing of pre-assessment visits for development cooperation projects in recipient countries designated by the Republic of Latvia”.

It envisages the organising of business trips for feasibility studies in partner countries in order to establish contacts with new partners in the beneficiary country and draw up an application of a development cooperation project to be submitted under the grant competition held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in early 2025.

Applications can be submitted for evaluation on a first come, first served basis while funding is available in 2024.

Eligible applicants are any institutions of direct and indirect public administration, local governments, derived public persons, other government agencies of the Republic of Latvia as well as associations, foundations, businesses, trade unions and other subjects registered in Latvia.

Project applications may be submitted for development cooperation in any partner country; however, priority will be given to projects in African countries, the European Union’s Eastern Partnership countries – especially Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine – as well as in Central Asian countries – especially Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

The main criteria for project evaluation are: the relevance of the project idea to the needs of the partner country; the applicant’s experience with implementing development cooperation projects or work experience in the sector; and the experience of the cooperation partner. Additional points will be awarded if the applicant attracts co-financing and if their partner is a new one without a previous record of cooperation with the respective applicant.

The total budget available for the implementation of projects in 2024 is EUR 25 000.

Winners will be announced on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For further information, please call us at (+371) 67016417 or write an e-mail to .
