Development Cooperation News
Vizuālis 2024

The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has finalised the 2024 call for proposals, “Support to financing of pre-assessment visits for development cooperation projects in recipient countries designated by the Republic of Latvia”. The aim of the competition was to identify cooperation needs in partner countries to build contacts with partners and draw up a development cooperation project proposal.

Twelve applications were submitted for the competition, and funding has been granted to five projects.

The Foreign Ministry has awarded funding for the implementation of the following pre-assessment visits.

  • The Court Administration of the Republic of Latvia – a pre-assessment visit to Moldova in order to transfer Latvia’s experience and knowledge in the development of the justice system and to explore possibilities for further co-operation in the field of capacity building among Moldovan judicial administration and digitalisation.
  • NGO Dardedze Center – a pre-assessment visit to Moldova to transfer Latvia’s experience and launch an educational programme for pre-school children in order to reduce the risks of violence against children.
  • The Rural Support Service of Latvia – a pre-assessment visit to Moldova to share Latvia's knowledge and experience in preparation for a successful accreditation process of the Agency of Intervention and Payments of Moldova.
  • The Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments – a pre-assessment visit to Namibia in order to share Latvia’s experience and promote democratic participation in Namibian municipalities.
  • The State Probation Service – a pre-assessment visit to Ukraine in order to improve the compliance of probation specialists’ knowledge with modern probation standards and to ensure the transfer of knowledge and practice from Latvia to Ukraine.

The budget allocated to the competition in 2024 amounted to EUR 25 000. Funding for this year’s call for proposals is no longer available and, in accordance with the regulations, the competition has been finalised. Decisions on awarding grants were taken in the order of submission of applications.