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On 3 October 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with the Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation (LAPAS), is hosting an international conference, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the development cooperation of Latvia. The aim of the event is to provide an overview of Latvia’s achievements over 25 years, highlighting best practice examples and their impact, and of current priorities. The conference will be opened by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baiba Braže. Views on development cooperation will be shared by experts from Latvia and partner countries. 

Opening addresses will be delivered by Zane Petre, Head of the European Commission Representation in Latvia, and Carsten Staur, Chair of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (OECD DAC). The panel discussions of the conference are to bring together Latvian experts and organisations involved in development cooperation as well as their partners from Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, and Kenya for sharing of project implementation experience and discussions on the opportunities for further cooperation.

Agenda of the conference

  • Opening of the Conference. 25 years of Development Cooperation of Latvia: national and international impact
  • Overview of partners: achievements and opportunities for cooperation
  • Overview of partner countries: examples of good practice and their impact
  • Panel discussion. Development cooperation as a foreign policy tool: future global challenges and practical solutions
  • Panel discussion. Digital projects for development and resilience

The first session will showcase the work by Latvian development project implementers: Riga Graduate School of Law, the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia, the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments, the Central Finance and Contracting Agency, and LAPAS. In the second session, project implementers from partner countries will share their practical experience as recipients of Latvia’s expertise and technological solutions.    

Events for the media

Photo and video opportunities:

  • At 9.00, Opening of the conference at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • At 9.2010.20, Overview of partners: achievements and opportunities for cooperation
  • At 10.20–11.00, Overview of partner countries: examples of good practice and their impact
  • At 11.00–11.30, Possibility for individual interviews with participants

Please arrive on time – 20 minutes before each event.


Media are requested to apply by 17.00 on 2 October via an e-mail to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at


Follow the conference live on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at, or in Latvian on LAPAS Facebook account, and in English on the Foreign Ministry’s LinkedIn page.


For information

Development cooperation is the provision of assistance and expertise to partner countries with the aim of promoting the sustainable socio-economic development of those countries and their societies.

Latvia’s development cooperation policy is based on the Development Cooperation Policy Guidelines for 2021–2027, which include both bilateral and multilateral cooperation objectives and projects. Geographical priorities for cooperation are the Eastern Partnership countries (especially Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova, as well as support for the civil society of Belarus), Central Asian countries (especially Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), as well as African and least developed countries.