News Support for Ukraine
Ārlietu ministrs Krišjānis Kariņš Saeimas ārpolitikas debatē
Photo: Laura Celmiņa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On 25 January 2024, the Saeima (the Latvian Parliament) held its traditional foreign policy debate, during which the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Krišjānis Kariņš, looked back at the work accomplished in the foreign affairs sector last year, as well as presenting an outline of what is to be done the present year.

The goals of Latvia’s foreign policy remain unchanged to ensure independence and sustainable security of the state, to strengthen the transatlantic link and the welfare of society. Unflagging support to Ukraine will also remain at the focus of Latvia’s foreign policy.

Krišjānis Kariņš underlined: We stand with our Western allies to help Ukraine win the war against the imperialist Russia. Our foreign policy is based on the values of freedom, democracy and the rule of law. We are open to engaging with anyone who shares those values. In close cooperation with our partners in the European Union and NATO, with an open view towards the rest of the world, and above all, with confidence and pride in our own power.

The Annual Report of the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the accomplishments and further work with respect to national foreign policy and the European Union submitted to the Saeima this past 15 January contains evaluation of the development trends and scope of problems in the current international situation, and a review of what Latvia has accomplished in foreign policy and the European Union (EU) matters in 2023; it also defines Latvia’s foreign policy priorities for 2024, for instance, promoting economic growth and resilience, increasing the EU’s global competitiveness and influence, as well as the protection of interests of Latvian nationals, involvement of the public in the implementation of foreign policy, and unlocking the potential of the diaspora.

During the drafting of the foreign policy report, the Minister of Foreign Affairs met with foreign policy experts, researchers, representatives from youth organisations, the non-governmental sector and various business sectors, and listened to the opinions and recommendations of the members of the public regarding what has been and needs to be done in foreign policy. Krišjānis Kariņš also presented the report to the members of the Saeima at a joint meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the European Affairs Committee and heard out their suggestions.

25.01.2024. Saeimā tiek skatīts ārlietu ministra Krišjāņa Kariņa ziņojums par paveikto un iecerēto darbību valsts ārpolitikā un Eiropas Savienības jautājumos 2023. gadā