On 17 and 18 September 2024, a strategic seminar for the leadership and experts of the Latvian and Estonian Foreign Services took place in Valga County, Estonia, launched by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Baiba Braže, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, Margus Tsahkna.

At the opening of the seminar, the two Foreign Ministers addressed its participants and commended the special relations between Latvia and Estonia, based on mutual trust, shared values and good neighbourly relations.

Latvia enjoys a particularly close relationship and mutual trust with Estonia, as well as close cooperation in the EU, NATO, the United Nations and other international formats. Our Foreign Services are working side by side to pursue our common priorities in securing support to Ukraine and promoting the region’s security and prosperity,” Baiba Braže said.

Close cooperation and coordinated action are now critical to confront security challenges more effectively, both in our region and on a global scale. The nomination of Estonian diplomat Kaja Kallas as EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy was noted as a significant benefit to the whole of the Baltics that will contribute to the reflection of our priority issues on the EU agenda.

The seminar addressed the strengthening of societal resilience to Russian hybrid threats and of possible counter measures. Discussions highlighted a common and consistent understanding by all allies of the implementation of sanctions, while minimising the possibility of their circumvention. It is important to raise awareness among the public and the business community about the implementation of sanctions. The discussions underscored complementary cooperation between the EU and NATO, including in countering hybrid threats and the promotion of resilience.

The Estonian Foreign Ministry shared its experience of work on the UN Security Council and pledged their support for Latvia standing as a candidate for an elected member’s seat in the UN Security Council for the term of 2026-2027. If Latvia is elected, it would be an opportunity to support Ukraine in an international forum that brings together all the countries of the world and also to strengthen security throughout the Baltic region. There was also an exchange of views on providing assistance to Ukraine and the instruments available to us to support Ukraine on its path to EU integration. The officials of the two Foreign Ministries underlined the important role of regional cooperation both for the security and development of the region, highlighting the cooperation between the Baltic and Nordic countries in the NB8 format as a cooperation framework of a particular priority. The security and defence dimension is especially important in view of the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO.

The seminar has been organised by the Latvian and Estonian Ministries of Foreign Affairs for the ninth consecutive year on a rotational basis. The aim of the event is to strengthen bilateral relations between Latvia and Estonia, as well as their regional and international cooperation. The seminar marks its decade next year and will be held in Latvia.