Support for Ukraine
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On 24 March 2022 in New York, the United Nations General Assembly, at its emergency special session, adopted a resolution, “Humanitarian consequences of the aggression against Ukraine”. By this resolution, the majority of UN member states have expressed their overwhelming condemnation of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Russia’s hostilities against Ukraine – brutal air strikes, besiegement of cities and towns, attacks striking civilians, including journalists, destruction of civilian objects and cultural sites, the abduction of local officials, as well as attacks targeting diplomatic missions – have led to grave humanitarian consequences on a scale that Europe has not seen since World War II.

The resolution reiterates the demand that the Russian Federation immediately stop its military offensive in Ukraine and withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine. Strong commitment is reaffirmed to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

In the vote, the resolution was supported by 140 states. Russia, Belarus and three other states voted against, with 38 states abstaining and 10 being absent.

Latvia strongly condemns Russia’s aggression and its brutal attack on Ukraine with the complicity of the Belarusian regime. Latvia demands that Russia immediately stop its military action and withdraw all Russian armed forces from Ukraine, as well as calling for providing the necessary assistance to Ukraine and its people.