News Support for Ukraine
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On 2 March 2022 in New York, the United Nations General Assembly, at its eleventh emergency special session, adopted a resolution, “Aggression against Ukraine”. By this resolution, a powerful condemnation is expressed by the international community over Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the involvement of Belarus in an unlawful use of force against Ukraine. The resolution demands that the Russian Federation immediately cease its use of force in Ukraine, and withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine.

The international community has reaffirmed its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, while also providing substantial support to Ukraine at this critical time.

In the vote, the resolution was supported by 141 states. Russia, Belarus and three other states voted against, with 35 states abstaining and 12 being absent. The resolution was adopted at the emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly after the United Nations Security Council could not agree on the resolution due to a negative vote cast by Russia (a veto).

During the session, more than two thirds of the world’s countries have condemned Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine and attacks on civilians, and they called for that to immediately stop. While expressing solidarity with Ukraine, the alarming humanitarian situation and provision of support to refugees were underlined.

Latvia strongly condemned Russia’s aggression and its brutal attack on Ukraine with support from the Belarusian regime. Latvia calls on Russia to immediately stop its military action and withdraw all Russian armed forces from Ukraine.

Latvia’s position was included in the Joint Statement of Nordic-Baltic Foreign Ministers: (Nordic-Baltic Statement, General Assembly Emergency Special Session on Ukraine 28 February 2022 (