Women peace and security

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia continues providing assistance to civilians in Syria affected by a protracted civil war. The Ministry, in association with an international non-governmental organisation, Un Ponte Per, has already implemented a second project to help women and girls subject to the risks of violence in the Raqqa province in the east of Syria.

Co-financing from the Foreign Ministry in the amount of EUR 50,000 was channelled into providing equipment for activity centres, Women and Girls Safe Space and Child Friendly Space, as well as into education programmes. This has contributed to the improvement of well-being and social inclusion among the most vulnerable groups of society, while also strengthening their resilience and reducing the risks of violence. As part of the project, outreach and awareness raising campaigns were undertaken to restrict gender-based crime and promote respect for the rights of women and children.

The humanitarian crisis has been unfolding in Syria for more than ten years, having left approximately 13.5 Syrians homeless, a half of whom had been forced to seek asylum outside their country. In the Raqqa province, 80% of the internally displaced persons still have no adequate housing, and their access to basic services and drinking water is restricted. Women and children are the most exposed to threat under the ongoing hostilities and violence.

The project has been implemented pursuant to Cabinet Order No. 458 of 30 June 2021, Regarding the contribution of funds from the State Budget “Emergency Funds” Programme towards stabilisation in Syria effected by Latvia as a member of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS. In addition, Latvia is a member of several of the United Nations Groups of Friends working on the elimination of violence and on gender equality. The project is also in line with the objectives set out in the United Nations Resolution 1325 “Women, Peace and Security”.