

On 8 December 2021 in New York, Latvia was elected to the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) for membership in 2022. It is for the first time that Latvia will be represented in this UN body.

The membership of the PBC demonstrates the ever-increasing role of Latvia in the United Nations efforts to ensure stability and peace in the conflict-affected regions. During its work in the PCB Latvia will focus on strengthening resilience of institutions in post-conflict situations including by promoting good governance, media literacy, education, digital skills, inclusive participation of women and youth, as well as sharing Latvia’s best practice. In light of Latvia’s membership of the PBC, the Cabinet has approved a contribution of 20 thousand euros by the Ministry of Defence to the UN Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund, which will help ensure practical input to institution building in the countries affected by conflict.

The UN Peacebuilding Commission was established in 2005 with the aim of providing, with their consent, support for countries affected by conflict. A significant line of action is to sustain international support for countries after the completion of UN peacekeeping missions to help them continue on their path towards long-term peace, stability and development thereby preventing the conflicts from recurring.

In these efforts, the PBC actively engages with other international institutions, non-governmental organisations and members of civil society to ensure an inclusive platform with a comprehensive expertise and instruments to address the situation.  In 2020, situation in 15 countries was discussed in this format. The PBC also acts as an advisor to the UN Security Council and the General Assembly, promoting a consistent approach by the UN to peacebuilding efforts.

The Peacebuilding Commission is composed of 31 Member States. Latvia has been elected to the PBC by the UN Economic and Social Council.