Latvija izveido diplomātiskās attiecības ar Gvinejas Bisavas Republiku

On 14 July 2021 in New York, a joint communication was signed on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Guinea-Bissau (República da Guiné-Bissau). For Latvia, the communication was signed by the Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Andrejs Pildegovičs, and for Guinea-Bissau, by the Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Henrique Adriano Da Silva.

The Ambassadors of both countries expressed satisfaction with the establishment of diplomatic relations, which shall facilitate bilateral cooperation and cooperation in international organisations. They discussed Latvia’s candidacy for the UN Security Council and the International Law Commission, as well as potential meetings between the officials of the two countries.

Guinea-Bissau declared independence in 1973 and was recognised by other states in 1974. The country, with a population of 2 million, is located in Western Africa. 

Since regaining independence, the Republic of Latvia has resumed diplomatic relations or established them with almost all the countries across the globe, and this serves as a basis for the development of relationship with other countries and enhanced cooperation.

Diplomatic relations have currently been set up with 190 of 193 UN member states. Latvia’s Foreign Service is working to establish diplomatic relations with three more of UN members – Bhutan, South Sudan, and the Marshall Islands.