Cooperation with countries News
Dace Melbārde un Wu Hongbo apmainās ar vizītkartēm
Photo: Ilze Salnāja, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On  5 July 2024, the Special Representative of the Government of the People’s Republic of China on European Affairs, Wu Hongbo, visited Latvia.

During the visit, the Special Representative met with Dace Melbārde, the Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Katarina Plātere, Head of the Bilateral Relations Directorate.

The officials discussed the bilateral dialogue between Latvia and China, sector-specific cooperation, as well as cooperation in international organisations and on regional security matters. The officials also exchanged views on topics concerning coperation between the EU and China. Special focus in the conversation with the Chinese Government representative was placed on Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, as Latvian officials emphasized its importance in the context of Latvia's vital security interests.

05.07.2024. ĀM parlamentārā sekretāre Dace Melbārde tiekas ar Ķīnas īpašo valdības pārstāvi Eiropas lietās Wu Hongbo
05.07.2024. ĀM Divpusējo attiecību direkcijas vadītājas Katarinas Plāteres tikšanās ar Ķīnas īpašo valdības pārstāvi Eiropas lietās Wu Hongbo