ārlietu ministtrijas politiskais direktors Andžejs Viļumsons akreditācijas vizītē uzņem Austrālijas vēstnieci Frānsisu Sagalu (Frances Sagala)
Photo: Ilze Salnāja, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On 23 January 2024, the Under Secretary, Political Director odf the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Andžejs Viļumsons, met with the new Australian Ambassador to Latvia, Frances Sagala. At their meeting, the officials discussed cooperation between the two countries in security, economy and international organizations.

Andžejs Viļumsons commended cooperation with Australia, while underlining a common perspective of the challenges faced by both Europe and the Indo-Pacific region at the moment. The diplomats also highlighted the successful cooperation between Latvia and Australia in international organizations, especially their joint efforts to strengthen and protect a rules-based international order.

During the conversation, Andžejs Viļumsons thanked Australia for its unwavering support to Ukraine in its fight against the Russian aggression. He also welcomed the cooperation established between NATO and partners in the Indo-Pacific region, including Australia.

23.01.2024. ĀM politiskais direktors Andžejs Viļumsons akreditācijas vizītē uzņem Austrālijas vēstnieci Frānsisu Sagalu (Frances Sagala)