ANO ĢA balsojums par Krievijas dalības apturēšanu ANO Cilvēktiesību padomē

On 7 April 2022 in New York, the United Nations General Assembly, at its emergency special session, adopted a resolution on suspension of the rights of membership of the Russian Federation in the Human Rights Council. By this resolution, the international community is again expressing its condemnation of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine as well as highlighting the dire humanitarian situation in Ukraine, including gross violations of human rights and international law on the part of the Russian Federation. 

In the vote, the resolution was supported by 93 states, with 24 states voting against, 58 states abstaining and 18 being absent.

The military aggression by the Russian Federation involving ruthless crimes against civilians, brutal destruction of civilian objects and homes is not compatible with the membership of the country in the Human Rights Council, which advocates respect for, and protection of human rights worldwide.

This is the third resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly at its emergency special session in response to the full-scale military action by Russia in Ukraine. Decisions at the UN Security Council are being blocked by Russia’s negative vote (veto).

Latvia strongly condemns Russia’s aggression and its brutal attack on Ukraine with the complicity of the Belarusian regime. Latvia demands that Russia immediately stop its military action and withdraw all Russian armed forces from Ukraine.