Vilmārs Heniņš un Petr Pavel
Photo: Office of the President of the Czech Republic

On 2 October 2024, Vilmārs Heniņš, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia to the Czech Republic, submitted his letter of credence to the President of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel.

In a conversation with the president of the Czech Republic, Ambassador Vilmārs Heniņš underlined that Latvia and Czechia were like-minded countries in their perspective of current international challenges, standing up firmly for the protection of democratic values and compliance with international law. The Ambassador rated current relations between the countries as dynamic while calling for the intensity of political dialogue to be retained and for the facilitation of inter-sectoral and inter-parliamentary cooperation, including a regular exchange of visits. Vilmārs Heniņš pointed out that cooperation in the field of security and defence was, and would remain one of the cornerstones for relations between the countries. The Ambassador offered thanks for the participation of Czech soldiers in the NATO multinational brigade in Latvia. 

The officials also highlighted cooperation between the two countries to strengthen Ukraine’s military capabilities, including Latvia’s contribution to the Czech Munitions Initiative and the participation of the Czech Republic in the Latvian co-led Drone Coalition. Alongside security issues, the Ambassador underlined the need to continue advancing economic cooperation, promote tourism and strengthen cultural ties and local government contacts.

02.10.2024. Vēstnieks Vilmārs Heniņš iesniedz akreditācijas vēstuli Čehijas Republikas prezidentam Petram Pavelam (Petr Pavel)