Cooperation with countries News
Baiba Braže un George Gerapetritis sarokojas
Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On 2 July 2024, during the state visit by the President of Latvia, Edgars Rinkēvičs, to Greece, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baiba Braže, met with the Minister Foreign Affairs of Greece, George Gerapetritis.

The Foreign Ministers discussed bilateral cooperation between Latvia and Greece, and cooperation in the economy and security sectors, including their joint efforts to strengthen the external borders of the European Union (EU) within the framework of operations by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX). Views were also exchanged on cooperation in international organisations – the EU, the United Nations and NATO, also in relation to the upcoming NATO Summit in Washington.

In their conversation, the two Ministers expressed strong support for Ukraine and its territorial integrity as well as exchanging views on sanctions targeting Russia: they must be enforced as effectively as possible while preventing any possibilities of circumvention.

Foreign Minister Baiba Braže: “Greece is our ally, and the two countries enjoy very good bilateral relations. Latvia and Greece – we both countries are protecting a part of the external border of the European Union and the Schengen Area, fighting regular and increasingly intense hybrid attacks by Russia and Belarus on a daily basis, including the instrumentalisation of illegal migration. Strengthening of the EU’s external borders is a strategic security priority for both our countries and for the entire European Union. Our countries face various geopolitical and security challenges day after day, while being on the same page that Ukraine should be supported until its victory, and we advocate for the territorial indivisibility of Ukraine: Ukraine is fighting for all of us – to a large extent safeguarding not only the EU’s external border but security across Europe.”

Baiba Braže congratulated Greece on its election to the United Nations Security Council for the period of 2025-2026. Latvia is running as a candidate in the 2025 election for membership of the UN Security Council for the 2026–2027 term.

When discussing the state of affairs in the Western Balkans and the EU enlargement process, the Foreign Ministers agreed that candidate countries’ ability to fulfil membership criteria and their commitment to EU values are prerequisites for accession and successful integration.

At the end of the meeting, the Minister Braže invited the Greek Foreign Minister to come to Latvia on a return visit.

As part of her stay, the Minister also visited the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the National Intelligence Service of Greece to discuss the cybersecurity situation in the European Union, explore trends in cybersecurity policy, the agency’s operations and security challenges in Greece and the wider region.


Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, supports EU Member States and Schengen-associated countries in the management of the EU’s external borders and the fight against cross-border crime. The Latvian State border Guard participates actively in various joint operations of the FRONTEX Agency in Greece on the EU’s external land, sea and air borders, as well as in the FRONTEX Situation Centre and in the field of return operations.

Latvia’s candidacy to the UN Security Council (2026–2027)

Candidacy to the UNSC (2026 -2027) is one of the long-term objectives of Latvia’s foreign policy, which is also set out in the National Development Plan of Latvia until 2027. Elections will be held in June 2025 in New York. For Latvia to be elected, it needs to win support from two thirds of UN Member States.

02.07.2024. Baiba Braže Atēnās tikās ar Grieķijas ārlietu ministru Georgu Gerapetriti (George Gerapetritis)